The KVK is located in the village Malwal at about 125 kms distance from the main PAU, Ludhiana campus on Ludhiana-Ferozepur state highway at about 6 kms from Ferozepur cantt. towards Moga side. It was started in the year 1990 with the financial assistance from Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi under the aegis of Punjab Agricultural University (PAU), Ludhiana.
This Kendra was donated 30 acres of land by Department of Agriculture, Punjab for its establishment for the benefit of various sections of rural society. The KVK works on the principle of 'Learning by doing' to serve to the rural community of the district by imparting various trainings viz. short duration(1-2 days), vocational(7-30 days) in the disciplines of Crop Production, Plant Protection, Horticulture, Extension Education, Soil Science and Home Science for farmers, farm women and unemployed rural youth. In addition to this, KVK also provides trainings to the in-service field functionaries of different departments e.g. department of Agriculture, horticulture, Soil conservation and also to the Anganwadi workers from Child Development Project Office...Read More...
Tentative Action Plan 2024-25
Beware/Warnings about Crop Diversification (Hindi Version)
Beware/Warnings about Crop Diversification (Punjabi Version)
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