Upload FileeE
/* ------------------------------------------------ Project: Loptus - Digital Marketing Agency Responsive HTML5 Template Author: ThemeHt ------------------------------------------------ */ /* ------------------------ Table of Contents 1. Predefined Variables 2. Preloader 3. Menu 4. FullScreen 5. Audiplayer 6. Counter 7. Owl carousel 8. Magnific Popup 9. Isotope 10. Scroll to top 11. Banner Section 12. Fixed Header 13. Side Menu 14. Text Color, Background Color And Image 15. Accordian 16. Contact Form 17. Masonry 18. Search 19. Countdown 20. Mouse Parallax 21. insideText 22. Wow Animation 23. HT Window load and functions ------------------------ */ "use strict"; /*------------------------------------ HT Predefined Variables --------------------------------------*/ var $window = $(window), $document = $(document), $body = $('body'), $fullScreen = $('.fullscreen-banner') || $('.section-fullscreen'), $halfScreen = $('.halfscreen-banner'), searchActive = false; //Check if function exists $.fn.exists = function () { return this.length > 0; }; /*------------------------------------ HT PreLoader --------------------------------------*/ function preloader() { $('#ht-preloader').fadeOut(); }; /*------------------------------------ HT Menu --------------------------------------*/ function menu() { // Variables var $dropdown = $('.dropdown-animate'), $dropdownSubmenu = $('.dropdown-submenu [data-toggle="dropdown"]'); function initSubmenu($this) { if (!$this.next().hasClass('show')) { $this.parents('.dropdown-menu').first().find('.show').removeClass("show"); } var $submenu = $this.next(".dropdown-menu"); $submenu.toggleClass('show'); $submenu.parent().toggleClass('show'); $this.parents('.nav-item.dropdown.show').on('hidden.bs.dropdown', function (e) { $('.dropdown-submenu .show').removeClass("show"); }); } // Events if ($dropdown.length) { $dropdown.on({ 'hide.bs.dropdown': function () { hideDropdown($dropdown); } }) } if ($dropdownSubmenu.length) { $dropdownSubmenu.on('click', function (e) { initSubmenu($(this)) return false; }); } }; /*------------------------------------ HT FullScreen --------------------------------------*/ function fullScreen() { if ($fullScreen.exists()) { $fullScreen.each(function () { var $elem = $(this), elemHeight = $window.height(); if($window.width() < 768 ) $elem.css('height', elemHeight/ 1); else $elem.css('height', elemHeight); }); } if ($halfScreen.exists()) { $halfScreen.each(function () { var $elem = $(this), elemHeight = $window.height(); $elem.css('height', elemHeight / 2); }); } }; /*------------------------------------ HT Audiplayer --------------------------------------*/ function audiplayer() { const player = new Plyr('#player'); }; /*------------------------------------ HT Counter --------------------------------------*/ function counter() { $('.count-number').countTo({ refreshInterval: 2 }); }; /*------------------------------------ HT Owl Carousel --------------------------------------*/ function owlcarousel() { $('.owl-carousel').each( function() { var $carousel = $(this); $carousel.owlCarousel({ items : $carousel.data("items"), slideBy : $carousel.data("slideby"), center : $carousel.data("center"), loop : true, margin : $carousel.data("margin"), dots : $carousel.data("dots"), nav : $carousel.data("nav"), autoplay : $carousel.data("autoplay"), autoplayTimeout : $carousel.data("autoplay-timeout"), navText : [ '<span class="fas fa-long-arrow-alt-left"><span>', '<span class="fas fa-long-arrow-alt-right"></span>' ], responsive: { 0:{items: $carousel.data('xs-items') ? $carousel.data('xs-items') : 1}, 576:{items: $carousel.data('sm-items')}, 768:{items: $carousel.data('md-items')}, 1024:{items: $carousel.data('lg-items')}, 1200:{items: $carousel.data("items")} }, }); }); }; /*------------------------------------ HT Magnific Popup --------------------------------------*/ function magnificpopup() { $('.popup-gallery').magnificPopup({ delegate: 'a.popup-img', type: 'image', tLoading: 'Loading image #%curr%...', mainClass: 'mfp-img-mobile', gallery: { enabled: true, navigateByImgClick: true, preload: [0,1] // Will preload 0 - before current, and 1 after the current image }, image: { tError: '<a href="%url%">The image #%curr%</a> could not be loaded.', titleSrc: function(item) { return item.el.attr('title') + '<small>by Marsel Van Oosten</small>'; } } }); if ($(".popup-youtube, .popup-vimeo, .popup-gmaps").exists()) { $('.popup-youtube, .popup-vimeo, .popup-gmaps').magnificPopup({ disableOn: 700, type: 'iframe', mainClass: 'mfp-fade', removalDelay: 160, preloader: false, fixedContentPos: false }); } }; /*------------------------------------ HT Isotope --------------------------------------*/ function isotope() { // init Isotope var $grid = $('.grid').isotope({ itemSelector: '.grid-item', layoutMode: 'fitRows', }); // filter functions var filterFns = { // show if number is greater than 50 numberGreaterThan50: function() { var number = $(this).find('.number').text(); return parseInt( number, 10 ) > 50; }, // show if name ends with -ium ium: function() { var name = $(this).find('.name').text(); return name.match( /ium$/ ); } }; // bind filter button click $('.portfolio-filter').on( 'click', 'button', function() { var filterValue = $( this ).attr('data-filter'); // use filterFn if matches value filterValue = filterFns[ filterValue ] || filterValue; $grid.isotope({ filter: filterValue }); }); // change is-checked class on buttons $('.portfolio-filter').each( function( i, buttonGroup ) { var $buttonGroup = $( buttonGroup ); $buttonGroup.on( 'click', 'button', function() { $buttonGroup.find('.is-checked').removeClass('is-checked'); $( this ).addClass('is-checked'); }); }); }; /*------------------------------------ HT Scroll to top --------------------------------------*/ function scrolltop() { var pxShow = 300, goTopButton = $(".scroll-top") // Show or hide the button if ($(window).scrollTop() >= pxShow) goTopButton.addClass('scroll-visible'); $(window).on('scroll', function () { if ($(window).scrollTop() >= pxShow) { if (!goTopButton.hasClass('scroll-visible')) goTopButton.addClass('scroll-visible') } else { goTopButton.removeClass('scroll-visible') } }); $('.smoothscroll').on('click', function (e) { $('body,html').animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, 1000); return false; }); }; /*------------------------------------ HT Banner Section --------------------------------------*/ function headerheight() { $('.fullscreen-banner .align-center').each(function(){ var headerHeight=$('.header').height(); // headerHeight+=15; // maybe add an offset too? $(this).css('padding-top',headerHeight+'px'); }); }; /*------------------------------------ HT Fixed Header --------------------------------------*/ function fxheader() { $(window).on('scroll', function () { if ($(window).scrollTop() >= 100) { $('#header-wrap').addClass('fixed-header'); } else { $('#header-wrap').removeClass('fixed-header'); } }); }; /*------------------------------------ HT Side Menu --------------------------------------*/ function sidenav() { $('.ht-nav-toggle').on('click', function(event) { event.preventDefault(); var $this = $(this); if( $('body').hasClass('menu-show') ) { $('body').removeClass('menu-show'); $('#ht-main-nav > .ht-nav-toggle').removeClass('show'); } else { $('body').addClass('menu-show'); setTimeout(function(){ $('#ht-main-nav > .ht-nav-toggle').addClass('show'); }, 900); } }) }; /*------------------------------------------ HT Text Color, Background Color And Image ---------------------------------------------*/ function databgcolor() { $('[data-bg-color]').each(function(index, el) { $(el).css('background-color', $(el).data('bg-color')); }); $('[data-text-color]').each(function(index, el) { $(el).css('color', $(el).data('text-color')); }); $('[data-bg-img]').each(function() { $(this).css('background-image', 'url(' + $(this).data("bg-img") + ')'); }); }; /*------------------------------------ HT Accordian --------------------------------------*/ function accordian() { $(".card").on("show.bs.collapse hide.bs.collapse", function(e) { if (e.type=='show'){ $(this).addClass('active'); }else{ $(this).removeClass('active'); } }); $('.accordion .card-header a').prepend('<span></span>'); }; /*------------------------------------ HT Contact Form --------------------------------------*/ function contactform() { $('#contact-form').validator(); // when the form is submitted $('#contact-form').on('submit', function (e) { // if the validator does not prevent form submit if (!e.isDefaultPrevented()) { var url = "php/contact.php"; // POST values in the background the the script URL $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: url, data: $(this).serialize(), success: function (data) { // data = JSON object that contact.php returns // we recieve the type of the message: success x danger and apply it to the var messageAlert = 'alert-' + data.type; var messageText = data.message; // let's compose Bootstrap alert box HTML var alertBox = '<div class="alert ' + messageAlert + ' alert-dismissable"><button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="alert" aria-hidden="true">×</button>' + messageText + '</div>'; // If we have messageAlert and messageText if (messageAlert && messageText) { // inject the alert to .messages div in our form $('#contact-form').find('.messages').html(alertBox).show().delay(2000).fadeOut('slow'); // empty the form $('#contact-form')[0].reset(); } } }); return false; } }) }; /*------------------------------------ HT Masonry --------------------------------------*/ function masonry () { var $masonry = $('.masonry'), $itemElement = '.masonry-brick', $filters = $('.portfolio-filter'); if ($masonry.exists()) { $masonry.isotope({ resizable: true, itemSelector: $itemElement, }); // bind filter button click $filters.on( 'click', 'button', function() { var filterValue = $(this).attr('data-filter'); $masonry.isotope({ filter: filterValue }); }); } }; /*------------------------------------ HT Search --------------------------------------*/ function search() { if($('.search-form').length) { var searchForm = $('.search-form'); var searchInput = $('.search-input'); var searchButton = $('.search-button'); searchButton.on('click', function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); if(!searchActive) { searchForm.addClass('active'); searchActive = true; searchInput.focus(); $(document).one('click', function closeForm(e) { if($(e.target).hasClass('search-input')) { $(document).one('click', closeForm); } else { searchForm.removeClass('active'); searchActive = false; } }); } else { searchForm.removeClass('active'); searchActive = false; } }); } }; /*------------------------------------ HT Countdown --------------------------------------*/ function countdown() { $('.countdown').each(function () { var $this = $(this), finalDate = $(this).data('countdown'); $this.countdown(finalDate, function (event) { $(this).html(event.strftime('<li><span>%-D</span><p>Days</p></li>' + '<li><span>%-H</span><p>Hours</p></li>' + '<li><span>%-M</span><p>Minutes</p></li>' + '<li><span>%S</span><p>Seconds</p></li>')); }); }); }; /*------------------------------------ HT Mouse Parallax --------------------------------------*/ function mouse() { $( document ).mousemove( function( e ) { $( '.mouse-parallax' ).parallax( -30, e ); }); }; /*------------------------------------ HT insideText --------------------------------------*/ function insideText() { var e, i = $(window).height(), n = i / 2; $(document).scroll(function() { e = $(window).scrollTop(), $(".insideText").each(function() { var i = $(this), o = i.parent("section"), s = o.offset().top; i.css({ top: -(s - e) + n + "px" }) }), $(".bg-text").each(function() { var e = $(this), i = $(window).height() / 2, n = e.parent("div"), o = $(window).scrollTop(), s = n.offset().top; $(this).css({ top: -(s - o) + i + "px" }) }) }) }; /*------------------------------------ HT Wow Animation --------------------------------------*/ function wowanimation() { var wow = new WOW({ boxClass: 'wow', animateClass: 'animated', offset: 0, mobile: true, live: true }); wow.init(); } /*------------------------------------ HT Window load and functions --------------------------------------*/ $(document).ready(function() { owlcarousel(), menu(), fullScreen(), audiplayer(), counter(), magnificpopup(), scrolltop(), headerheight(), fxheader(), sidenav(), databgcolor(), accordian(), contactform(), search(), countdown(), mouse(), insideText(); }); $window.resize(function() { }); $(window).on('load', function() { preloader(), isotope(), masonry(), wowanimation(); });